

Here are 5 ways to do it more efficiently

When the novel coronavirus started spreading across the country in March, forcing the country’s biggest work-from-home experiment, not many of us know what to expect and what to do as entrepreneurs. So, we at Burgundy thought of giving few tips for you to start thinking to make your WORK-FROM-HOME / social distance experience a successful and productive one.

01. Re-look at your systems/work processes

When did you re-look at your processes last? We know there can be hundreds of lag work. Running a business is liberating. After all, you get to choose how much, or how little, the time you spend working. We’re sure you’ve had a few sleepless nights wondering how you’re going to get your business to the point where it doesn’t run out of focus with all the workload. But now you got time! Think positive. Use, Microsoft Teams, Clockify, TimeDoctor, Trello, Zoom to connect with your team and streamline all your upcoming work. Take a piece of paper, write down where you are and where you want to be at the end of this year. Bridge the gap!

02. Fill your business canvas

Sometimes when you look back, you might feel that you are performing everything out of your scope Or many things that are irrelevant to you. Maybe you are not getting clients as you expected.

Since now you got plenty of time, Try Business Canvas!

The Business Model Canvas reflects systematically on your business model, so you can focus on your business model segment by segment.

This also means you can start with a brain dump, filling out the segments the spring to your mind first and then work on the empty segments to close the gaps. The following list with questions will help you brainstorm and compare several variations and ideas for your next business model innovation.

— — –Click on the link to download your business canvas-

03. Read a good book

‘Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers.’

-Charles W. Elio-

Reading is important because it develops our thoughts, gives us endless knowledge and lessons to read while keeping our minds active. Reading books can help us learn, understand and makes us smarter.

Not to mention the knowledge, vocabulary expansion and thinking skills we develop, so read a good book today!

Here are our suggestions,

01. The Age Of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight For A Human Future At The New Frontier Of Power — Shoshana Zuboff

02. How To Do Nothing: Resisting The Attention economy — Jenny Odell

03. How To Read The Air — Dinaw Mengestu

04. Spend some time on education — Follow an online course!

Industries are constantly changing. Continuing education is required for entrepreneurs to stay updated with the latest developments, skills, and new technologies required for their fields. Certain professions also require continuing education to comply with laws, remain licensed or certified. Overall, continuing education is considered a way for professionals to keep abreast of their fields so they don’t lag.

So, why don’t you try! It’s easy with Google!
You can try,,, for plenty of online courses to stay updated.

05. Try your cooking skills!

Cooking is so soothing because it encourages creativity. Not only that “Cooking” is a great stress reliever, because it serves as a creative outlet. It is an act of meditation, a behavioural activation that helps you to be engaged in the present moment.

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