
Burgundyful Life in 2018!

Journey Begins

Clock strike 12. It’s almost 31st December 2018. One more day to go! Sitting on my desk looking at the festive sky I feel it’s the best time to review-reflect and celebrate the year of my roller coaster ride. Of course! It’s a year, filled with full of lessons. Understand people, understand business, identify ways & means to make a positive social impact and more than that I have experienced the difficult life of an entrepreneur in the current Eco-system. It’s the year I ceremoniously started “Burgundy, the strategic Design Studio to help Small and Medium Enterprises to rise above“.

Burgundy Begins!

Design…Design…Design it’s a red ocean for sure. Full of competition. Full of big and small players, very cluttered. But there’s one thing that I’m happy about… we are surviving.

Well! All these had begun when I started educating SMEs on Branding and Communication on a voluntary basis, together with a group of friends. There, I saw a huge gap in branding and consulting for small and medium entrepreneurs. Lack of knowledge and guidance about proper marketing strategies had stagnated their business at some point in their business life cycle.
Further, I have noticed many of Sri Lankan entrepreneurs are having difficulties at international market due to lack of proper marketing strategy and knowledge about their branding. I understood that they didn’t know the value of developing a proper brand and the potential benefit of it.

I was thinking how could I make a real impact in business, with the knowledge that I have gained from the University of Moratuwa, Faculty of Design (For my Bachelor’s) and Faculty of Business (for my MBA) and the decade of experience handling so called “Big Brands-both local and international”. There, my adventure Burgundy began to help small businesses to be medium, Medium to be Large and Large to be larger, together with two good friends: My husband who believed that I could accomplish and another best friend who trusted my crazy risk-taking attribute. Thank you both of you!

Burgundy Path!

Even though we had a big Mission game to achieve it was really difficult as we started. If I illustrate, my journey till now, it as below.

A Day in the life as an Entrepreneur

There were times we thought we have made it, but we are not. There were times when I was so down. But I think the Universe was a great fan of Burgundy. So far, my Burgundy was blessed with opportunities and guidance from various people who have joined their hands to help on our little startup. This made me think that our talent has been identified and recognized. Even though the journey is tuff, I can’t complain about it. I met our amazing angel investor who’s now mentoring, motivating us in every single step of Burgundy.

Also, we met a lot of aspiring, motivating personas, and I’m glad we are surrounded by those tremendous stories to keep us alive day and night to reach our goal.

Today I feel I’m more focused, more aligned to our vision and mission.

No matter what happens, I think none of us is born knowing everything. None of us is born knowing what we are meant to do. Life is all about finding the purpose. It is about giving ourselves the permission to dream big and act upon it. It’s about exploring the possibilities to see where life leads you. Above all, it’s all about standing to show up dreams!

Thank you family-Burgundy for your courage, determination and joining with me on my lunatic journey. Thank you to all our clients, supporters for being with us. I’m glad Burgundy is growing like a little plant and we will grow like a giant helping all our community to rise above!

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